4. Opinions and Conclusions Before Ordering an Appraisal
If I didn't order the appraisal, can I find out the appraised value?
Only if you ask the person who originated the order and they provide permission in writing. This is one of the most common questions we have and it is often very frustrating for the borrower. Please understand that our Clients ALWAYS request Confidentiality and we are bound by USPAP and Federal Law NOT to discuss the Appraisal with anyone EXCEPT THE CLIENT.
It doesn't make sense to me to hire you if I don't know you'll come up with the value I need. Can you give me a guarantee?
It is a violation of state laws and the laws of the Appraisal Institute to provide a value opinion without doing an appraisal. Although we cannot provide a guarantee, we can perform a restricted appraisal that will tell you what the property is worth. If the value opinion is acceptable, we can upgrade the report to a summary or self-contained format for a higher fee. We can quote both fees to you so you'll know the best and worst case costs. Surprisingly, the fees are not that different since all the valuation work is done regardless of what report format is prepared.

1800 Second Street - Sarasota, FL